7 Quick Takes Friday (set #184)

7 Quick Takes Friday

This week: Women and abortion…   Where do the women presidential candidates stand? Women share their abortion experiences. Women who survived being aborted. An amazing miracle in Buenes Aires. Lutheran Satire parodies BuzzFeed’s dumb anti-Christian video. Is capitalism moral?

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Two women presidential candidates! Where do they stand on abortion? First, Hillary Clinton:

Position: strong support for abortion up to the moment of birth (a NARAL pro-abortion rating of 100%, a NRLC pro-life rating of 0).

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Next up, Carly Fiorina:

Position: pro-life (but with exceptions, unfortunately), wants Roe v. Wade overturned, Planned Parenthood defunded, and more.

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Some non-candidates talk about their personal abortion experiences:

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Other women are survivors of failed abortions. That is, they were supposed to be terminated but lived anyway. 2 weeks ago they testified before congress:

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We are in the presence of a Eucharistic miracle at every Mass. Before us ordinary bread and wine are transformed in substance to the actual body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord. Nothing symbolic, the substance itself is changed. Very few miracles (I am thinking along the lines of the resurrection) top that!

Sometimes, not only does the Eucharistic substance change, but the appearance (accidents) do as well. One such visible Eucharistic miracle happened in recent times in Buenos Aires. This is a powerful story for Catholics and non-Catholics alike:

Spotted by my friend Tom.

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Recently, BuzzFeed produced a video where poorly catechized people, claiming to be Christians, explained “I’m a Christian BUT….” The words that followed the BUT were just the opposite of the faith. A more honest tag might have been “I am not Christian because I believe….”

Anyway, the folks at Lutheran Satire have produced this parody:

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With the Holy Father’s visit, much is discussed about many topics including capitalism. Some (not Pope Francis, BTW) hold that capitalism is immoral. Is it?

Some random thoughts or bits of information are worthy of sharing but don’t warrant their own full post. This idea was begun by Jennifer Fulwiler and is now continued by Kelly Mantoan. So, some Fridays I too participate when I have accumulated 7 worthy items. Thank you Kelly for hosting this project!


  1. It’s funny that I came across your blog for the first time (thanks, Kelly Mantoan!) when you had posted about Capitalism! My family recently moved to an extremely wealthy area, and I am shocked by the number of people living lavish lives. I have to believe that the system has become broken in some way, but I don’t believe the government should or can fix it. The only fix I perceive will most likely never happen, but is for the leaders of businesses to voluntarily take pay cuts while giving their employees raises. I just can’t understand how it is right and just for a man to make so much money his kids have every pair of gym shoes known to man and he drives three different luxury cars, while the cashier helping him at the bank is worrying about how she’s going to buy groceries to get to the next paycheck. Sorry, long comment… but, interested to hear your thoughts?

    • It’s complicated, for sure. On the whole, people are paid on what the market values their contribution. When workers feel underpaid, they should seek different employment. If their value doesn’t warrant more, they must increase it if (their choice) they want more. All that said, if I were the employer I would be certain I am paying no more than for top executives than the market demands for their level of contribution. I would also value all workers on more than a few cold metrics.

      On the consumption side, people have moral responsibilities in the use of those gifts but the free will do do as they please. Even when they squander money, they are still engaged in economic activity which helps many others.

      The system isn’t perfect, but every other one is much, much worse.

  2. Great gathering of resources. Thanks for putting this together. I believe that the voice of the abortion survivor is the strongest case our nation has.

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